November 25 (6 days) ART EN CAPITAL Exhibition , booth: society of Independent Artists, Grand Palais, Paris, France
I would like to introduce SDAI(societe des artists independents) which me and Kerry participated as its members in Grand Palais show/Paris. SDAI is an organization working since 1884 in France:…/2014-SDAI-Dossier-de-…
According to above link some celebrities had show their works with Sdai as independent artists at the beginning of their career when nobody knew them since 19′s:
Cezanne, Seurat, Duchamp, Dali, Botero, Carzou, Vlotton, Foujita, Braque, Leger, Matisse, Bonnard, Dufy, Modigliani, Giacometti, Miro, Van Dongen, Chagall, Vlaminck, Utrillo, Van Gogh, Kandinsky…
I did not know! is wonderful, no?